The closest output that Nmap has is its built in XML format (-oX flag). Using this XML output I have created a perl script that easily converts the XML output into a CSV file for use in Excel. Luckily, a guy named Anthony Persaud created an Nmap Parser module for perl that we can use (
We need to ensure we take care of a couple of dependencies first:
- The first step is obviously to install Perl 5+ if you haven't already.
- Then you need to install the Nmap Parser module. You can do this with the following command: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Nmap::Parser'
- That's it! Not too shabby.
Here is the actual perl script. Just copy/paste it and run. It takes two arguments. The first is the name of the Nmap XML file and the second is the name of your output file.
# Author: Travis Lee
# Date Modified: 3-5-12
# Description: Script to convert a Nmap scan XML file to CSV
# Usage: <nmap xml file.xml> <output file.csv>
use Nmap::Parser;
$base = new Nmap::Parser;
if (!$ARGV[0] || !$ARGV[1])
print "Usage: <nmap xml file.xml> <output file.csv>\n\n";
$base_file = $ARGV[0]; #baseline scan filename from command line
$out_file = $ARGV[1]; #output filename from command line
$base->parsefile($base_file); #load baseline scan file
open (OUTFILE, ">$out_file");
$session = $base->get_session;
print OUTFILE $session->scan_args." -- Scan finished on: ".$session->time_str;
print OUTFILE "\n\nIP,Hostname,MAC,OS,Port,Proto,State,Service,Version\n";
#loop through all the IPs in the current scan file
for my $ip ($base->get_ips)
#get host object for the current IP
$ip_base = $base->get_host($ip);
#populate arrays with tcp/udp ports
my @tcpports = $ip_base->tcp_ports;
my @udpports = $ip_base->udp_ports;
print OUTFILE $ip_base->ipv4_addr.",";
print OUTFILE $ip_base->hostname.",";
print OUTFILE $ip_base->mac_addr.",";
#get os object for the current IP
my $os = $ip_base->os_sig;
#if smb-os-discrovery script was run, use this value for os. more accurate
if ($ip_base->hostscripts("smb-os-discovery"))
my @os_split1 = split(/\n/, $ip_base->hostscripts("smb-os-discovery"));
my @os_split2 = split("OS: ", $os_split1[1]);
print OUTFILE $os_split2[1].",";
else { print OUTFILE $os->name.","; } #else use what was discovered with os fingerprint
$first = 1;
&portout(\@tcpports, "tcp");
&portout(\@udpports, "udp");
print OUTFILE "\n";
} #end for loop
close (OUTFILE);
print "\n\nConversion complete!\n\n";
sub portout
my @ports = @{$_[0]};
my $proto = $_[1];
for my $port (@ports)
#get service object for the given port
if ($proto eq "tcp")
$svc = $ip_base->tcp_service($port);
elsif ($proto eq "udp")
$svc = $ip_base->udp_service($port);
if ($first == 1) { $first = 0; }
else { print OUTFILE ",,,,"; }
print OUTFILE $port.",";
print OUTFILE $proto.",";
if ($proto eq "tcp")
print OUTFILE $ip_base->tcp_port_state($port).",";
elsif ($proto eq "udp")
print OUTFILE $ip_base->udp_port_state($port).",";
print OUTFILE $svc->name.",";
print OUTFILE $svc->product."\n";
} #end for loop
} #end sub
I am not a professional perl ninja so it may not be the most efficient, but it works. If you have any suggestions on improvements to the script, please let me know! I would love to make this better and more helpful for anyone that needs it.
And of course there is also the obligatory disclaimer to use this at your own risk. :) Enjoy!